Royal Thai Embassy in Moscow’s Charitable Donations in Remembrance of the 2nd Anniversary of the Passing of H.M. King Bhumibol Adulyadej

Royal Thai Embassy in Moscow’s Charitable Donations in Remembrance of the 2nd Anniversary of the Passing of H.M. King Bhumibol Adulyadej

วันที่นำเข้าข้อมูล 19 Oct 2018

วันที่ปรับปรุงข้อมูล 30 Nov 2022

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On 18 October 2018, H.E. Mr. Thanatip Upatising, Ambassador of the Kingdom of Thailand to the Russian Federation, presented the donations on behalf of the Embassy and Chiefs and members of Team Thailand Offices in Moscow to Maria’s Children Arts Center for Orphans and children with Special Needs. The Ambassador together with Mrs. Monthip Upatising and Chiefs of Team Thailand Offices were warmly received by the Center’s Director, Mrs. Maria Eliseeva, and the children who were attending daily art classes in the Center.

The Center was one among the first few non-governmental organizations (NGOs) that were established in the Russian Federation and was officially registered in 1997. It welcomes orphans and children with special needs from different orphanages in Moscow and Moscow region. Its main mission is to help children express themselves creatively any way they could. Current art classes include, for example, drawing, ceramic artwork and sculpture.

